Customer Testimonials

Cylinder Services had served clients in 15 countries over 5 continents, 
here are just a few examples of what our clients want to say about our services:

Keanu Wu
General Manager
Jiangsu Qiulin Special Energy Equipment Joint Stock Co. LTD.
“We have worked with Cylinder Services, Inc. for many years about DOT liquid cylinders. They have many years of experience with DOT approvals and inspections, very professional.”
Eng. Sérgio Wajnberg, M.Sc.
Diretor da Qualidade
MAT S/A | Cilindros para Gases
“My company, MAT S/A is a high pressure steel cylinder manufacturer and we have been working with Cylinder Services since 2010…. Their work is highly professional as an independent agency recognized by DOT and TC. They are very competent and know their job quite well, but also technically, in regards to the product itself, their knowledge connected to the standards or beyond, is very helpful to deal with our questions… 

Chris Martin and Russell Stading are very easy to access when needed and you can build a very easy and professional relationship with them.”

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